I have been through so many physical therapy treatments.  How will I know if you can help me when no one else has?

You will feel a difference in your body after the first treatment.  Most of my patients have exhausted other avenues seeking relief, except this one.  My success rate is exceedingly high.  Please read "About Me" for more information.

 Will insurance pay for my visits?

  • Auto insurance and workmans compensation will cover your treatments, the rest is private pay.
  • Patients have pursued their private insurance companies for reimbursement after they healed and some were reimbursed. 
  • I have payment plans to help with treatment costs.

What is the cost of a private session?

With private pay I offer Qi Gong energy healing which is not recognized by our current medical model or insurances. This is my primary modality with private pay because of its success rate in healing. Please contact me for a free telephone consultation to determine the cost.

What is Craniosacral Therapy and how does it work?

Highly trained and experienced hands work gently to identify imbalances along the spine and cranium (the bones surrounding the brain).  Imbalances in these areas decrease oxygen and nutrients to the nerve cells and body tissues.  Skilled hands can identify any dysfunction by reading the temperature of the tissues, by locating dehydrated sticky muscles, by feeling imbalances of fluid flow, and identifying blocked electromagnetic energy.  

The language of our body is flow.  As our cells emassed and went about the process of living, they created an electromagnetic flow.  Cells and this electromagnet flow cannot be separated.  What affects one affects the other.  An interruption of this flow causes pain and dis-ease in the body.  Identifying and correcting the cause of dysfunction demonstrates the power of craniosacral therapy.  The time it takes to locate, identify, and correct the dysfunction lies literally in the hands of your therapist.

I have logged thousands of hours working hands-on with people who have suffered from severe traumas.  I know the body’s language of flow.

What is lymphedema and how is it treated?

Lymphedema (swelling) is a chronic, long-term condition.  Proper treatment and maintenance can help reduce the size of the affected area, keep the affected area healthy, and help the person achieve a more productive life. 

Obstructions or impaired lymphatic vessels cause an accumulation of fluid containing protein, microorganisms and cellular debris found underneath the surface of the skin.  Notable skin swelling will be visually present.  The obstruction in fluid flow can be a result of surgery, radiation treatments, or from trauma and infections such as cellulitis.

There are a variety of approaches to treating lymphedema, including:

  • Manual Lympathic Drainage,  a gentle and specific technique that empties and decompresses obstructed vessels.
  • CranioSacral Therapy,  Required to enhance the flow of the manual lymphatic drainage, as it releases soft tissue restrictions.
  • Short stretch compression bandaging, prevents the reaccumulation of fluid.

I had lymphnodes removed and radiation treatment.  Do I need educational counseling for lymphedema even though I don't have lymphedema? 

The answer is yes. 

Others who would benefit from counseling:

  • Diabetics –  gain information on how to prevent wounds and learn about treatment to reduce the swelling in the legs or feet.
  • Cellulitis – education on how to prevent a re-occurrence, as each occurrence of cellulitis destroys tiny lymphatic vessels.
  • Post radiation or surgical removal of lymph nodes: – for skin care, and treatment to prevent lymphedema and future complications.
  • Trauma – assessment and treatment of soft tissue damage.
  • Shingles – after an occurrence, the tissues hold fluid which impedes flow and prolongs pain.


 I can offer natural and alternative ways to heal      ~ please contact me ~