Karen’s expertise in lymphedema evaluation and treatment has been sought out by other medical professionals, as well as lawyers seeking information for legal cases.
Karen currently presents workshops to health organizations on treating edema/lymphedema.
What is lymphedema?
Obstructions or impaired lymphatic vessels cause an accumulation of fluid containing protein, microorganisms and cellular debris found underneath the surface of the skin. Notable skin swelling will be visually present. The obstruction in fluid flow can be a result of surgery, radiation treatments, or from trauma and infections such as cellulitis.
Can this condition improve?
Lymphedema (swelling) is a chronic, long-term condition. Proper treatment and maintenance can help reduce the size of the affected area, keep the affected area healthy, and help the person achieve a more productive life.
What is the treatment for lymphedema?
Emotional Counseling: Because lymphedema is a life long condition guidance and counseling help with the adjustment to body image, previous illness, or trauma.
Education: Understanding how to care for your skin, being able to recognize what to avoid, as well as, gaining a working knowledge of important aspects of this disorder reduces unknown fears and helplessness.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Is a gentle and specific technique that empties and decompresses obstructed vessels.
CranioSacral Therapy: Required to enhance the flow of the manual lymphatic drainage, as it releases soft tissue restrictions. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle but powerful technique that resolves tissue pain after trauma, surgery, radiation or cellulitis.
Compression Bandaging: Prevents the re-accumulation of fluid after manual lymphatic drainage, and assists in significantly reducing the swollen area.
Support Garments: Maintains pressure on the skin to prevent the re-accumulation of fluid after the treatment period has ended. Obtaining a support garment requires an educated and informed decision on fit, pressure, wear and care of garment.
Who Should Seek Educational Counseling For Swelling?
Diabetics – for information on how to prevent wounds and treatment to reduce the swelling in the legs or feet.
Cellulitis – for prevention of any re-occurrence, as each occurrence destroys tiny lymphatic vessels.
Post radiation treatment – for skin care, and treatment to prevent future complications.
Post surgical removal of any lymph nodes – knowledge empowers and prevents future complications.
Trauma – assessment and treatment of soft tissue damage.
Shingles – After an occurrence the tissues hold fluid which impedes flow and prolongs pain.