Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
The Most Important Symptom to Understand is the Bio-Chemical Reaction in the Brain
The journey back to wholeness requires an extraordinary amount of patience and it requires love. You are loved.
Trauma that is severe enough to stop our heart from beating, or take our breath away permanently is stored as the most powerful memory in the brain. After trauma every piece of information coming into the brain is sorted and interpreted by the brain in relation to the trauma experience. If the brain interprets incoming information as resembling any part of the trauma memory, even something as minor as a smell, the brain will sound major alarms. With the alarm, the brain releases stress chemicals into the blood stream. The newly released chemicals in the body diminish the blood supply to the frontal lobe (brain) and stomach. Ever wonder why you can’t think straight? Or why your stomach hurts? It is because the brain and body are in full red alert! There is little a person can do by themselves to shut off the chemicals being released. They are at the mercy of their brain’s reaction to a perceived danger, which is why post-traumatic stress disorder is so very difficult on the survivor of trauma. A reaction (trigger) to the trauma will reproduce a chemical reaction in the brain to a stimulus that very well could be neutral, such as a smell.
How I treat post-traumatic stress disorder:
Your body and nervous system will respond immediately to craniosacral therapy treatment by calming down. If strong emotions surface while working with you, resolution of those emotions can be reached with EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique is an accupressure tapping technique used on emotional points of the body. The technique is highly effective. EFT is endorsed by Candice Pert, PhD., National Institute of Health. If there is a belief about yourself that stands in the way of your healing, Psych-K can be used to change your negative belief into a positive one. Psych-K is endorsed by Dr. Bruce Lipton, research scientist and author of “Biology of Beliefs”. You will learn the importance of breath work, meditation, and relaxation techniques to help heal your body. Education on diet is essential as the pancreas and adrenal glands have become highly involved after trauma and require special care. You can heal. The above treatments will accelerate your healing process because they are powerful and effective.
"For many years, I have been suffering from chronic headaches, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, anxiety, hypersomnia and overall sadness. Life became overwhelming and hopeless; to where I had reached the point of detachment from my physical and emotional pain. I had nearly no self-awareness causing me to be blind to the cause of these symptoms. With Karen’s multifaceted expertise and commitment to helping her patients heal; she guided me to the root of my array of symptoms. She helped me discover that these were due to a car accident about six years ago. Not having an advocate or adequate medical care at this time had exacerbated damage caused by this trauma.
Karen became my “everything”. She gave me a safe place to talk about this accident and heal emotionally. Her CranioSacral Therapy simply amazed me; I could feel my body shifting after every session. She was able to align my back, shift my hips, neck and shoulder. She also gave me a diet plan and supplements to help my brain heal from the trauma of the accident. Karen worked with my PM&R doctor and also became a strong advocate for me.
I feel like a different person now. While there were many variables involved in my healing process; Karen’s work was a vital component. I rarely have headaches; my sleep is improving, I’m much less anxious, happier, feel more in control of my life, and no longer take medicine for pain on a daily basis. I’m still healing but, my life finally seems hopeful."
Courtney, Ann Arbor
I would like to help you heal this extremely difficult condition. Click here to contact me